July 15, 2024

Redesigning for Maximum Collaboration

Work pods, material options, backsplash tiles – not exactly the typical home remodeling project when you are considering a workspace for 400+ people. Recently I helped project manage the remodel of the Clarios Glendale campus.
Redesigning for Maximum Collaboration

By Andrea Falk

Work pods, material options, backsplash tiles – not exactly the typical home remodeling project when you are considering a workspace for 400+ people. Recently I helped project manage the remodel of the Clarios Glendale campus. It was a transformative experience in all ways. With our hybrid working model fully executed, we needed a physical change within our building while also paying close attention to creating a more collaborative and vibrant work environment. 

The vision was clear from the start: to create a space that was bright, engaging, and full of life. A place where different working styles and teamwork could flourish side by side. The design needed to reflect the innovative spirit of Clarios, so the project team considered every detail to ensure that the new office would not only meet the functional needs of our employees but also inspire them.

The remodel was about more than just aesthetics; it was about fostering a sense of community and collaboration. The new office layout includes a variety of collaboration spaces, from open-plan areas for team projects to quiet zones for focused work. The inclusion of these spaces was crucial, as they cater to the diverse needs of our team members, allowing them to choose how and where they work best.

One of the most exciting aspects of the remodel was the opportunity to incorporate eco-friendly features. We introduced more natural light to reduce the need for artificial lighting, used sustainable materials wherever possible, and created green spaces that not only add to the aesthetic but also contribute to the well-being of our employees.

The new space has brought a new energy to the office, and it's incredible to see how it has enhanced collaboration and creativity. This project was a significant undertaking, and its success is a testament to the hard work and dedication of everyone involved. From the designers to the construction team, and of course, the Clarios employees who embraced this change with open arms. It's a proud moment for us all to see how the new Clarios Glendale campus has come to life, embodying the values of innovation, collaboration, and sustainability that we hold dear.

As we look to the future, the remodel of the Clarios Glendale campus stands as a shining example of what we can achieve when we work together towards a common goal. It's a space that not only meets our needs today but is also flexible enough to grow with us as we continue to innovate and lead in our industry. The new campus is more than just a workplace; it's a vibrant community hub that will fuel Clarios' success for years to come.

We are happy to give you a tour of our remodeled space! Take a look at this video to get to know our Glendale campus outside of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.